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Sunday, September 11, 2022

Fat is not a problem if you take some needy steps!

              SENNA  Famous For Loosing Motion

Cassia Angustifolia is the botanical name for the native Asian herb commonly 

known as Senna. Cassia Angustifolia has been used for centuries as a treatment for a variety of digestive problems, and substances contained in the plant are used in laxative medications that, proponents believe, may help contribute to weight loss.
 If a body is healthy daily there won't be any constipation. By eating a lot of fruits you can regularize your body.   Consuming senna leaves daily at night 1/2 to 1 teaspoon will reduce your body by loose motion; thus reducing your water.

Foods containing lots of fiber can help keep you feeling full, which is perfect for losing weight. Fiber is only found in food from plants, such as fruit and veg, oats, wholegrain bread, brown rice and pasta, and beans, peas, and lentils.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Fat is not a problem if you take some needy steps!


 Dear Friends! One might say you must fast for some days. O.k. It helps! But once you start taking foods as normal your weight will increase to double the size.
Some may say go to the gym. But if you stop it permanently your weight will still shoot up. 
What you can do is this. Be concerned about your food. Take a bit of exercise or do daily work. Please follow this statement;

 "Early To Bed Early To Wake.: 

Good rest will give energy to your body!
Whenever you go to parties try to just taste the food  Don't fulfill your stomach to satisfy your hunger.
Even a modest weight loss of 5 to 10 percent of your total body weight is likely to produce health benefits, such as improvements in blood pressure, blood cholesterol, and blood sugars.

Fat is not a problem if you take some needy steps!

Do People Say You Are Fat? Yes! They Do! If They think you are a bit flabby and sluggish!
So Don't Be lazy! . So do not eat a lot of junk food. 

Do not eat a lot of sweet

Each person has a different metabolism rate. Some people need to watch their calories just a little more than others because some people have slower body metabolisms. Whether you have a relatively slow metabolism or not, you still should watch your fat intake to prevent heart disease, the American Diabetes Association reports. While most foods eaten in moderation do not cause obesity, some foods make it far easier to become --- and stay --- fat.

Pastries and Candy

Pastries and candy are loaded with sugar, calories, and trans fat. Trans fat is fat that lingers in the arteries and blood vessels because it takes more time for your body to metabolize it.

The sugar found in cookies and candy goes directly into the bloodstream. Your body breaks down some of it for use, but some of it stays in your body and turns into fat. Our forefathers had the habit of eating many forestry vegetables (as we regard them now)

Nallennei Reduces Your Fat!

Good Oil reduces your fat NALLA ENNAI=NALLENNEI

 Have you ever heard of this acid before? Well, it is a very needy acid. So please know something about this acid.

Alpha-Linolenic Acid (ALA) is one of the major forms of Omega 3 fatty acids. Before the Atkins diet, most people cut out all fats from their diet to lose weight. By doing this, you may be robbing your body of important nutrients such as essential fatty acids that are vital to your health. Alpha-linolenic acid is a unique biochemical structure that cannot be produced by the body and must be present in the diet.

Alpha-linolenic acid is one of three forms of Omega 3 fatty acids. The other two include ecosapetanoic acid (EPA) and docosahaxaneoic acid (DHA). Alpha-linolenic acid is a major source of plant Omega 3 and large doses are present in a variety of vegetable oils. A rich natural source of ALA is flaxseed oil. Omega 3 fatty acids such as alpha-linolenic acid are a unique type of polyunsaturated fatty acid.

It's now thought that trans fatty acids or those fats which have been hydrogenated commonly found in commercially packaged goods, vegetable shortening, some margarine, and commercially fried food such as French fries and onion rings increase LDL (bad) cholesterol while reducing HDL (good) cholesterol. Such an increase causes a decrease in body pH (a more acidic blood plasma), which subsequently creates an environment that is ideal for cholesterol plaque buildup. Evidence suggests that alpha-linolenic acid along with the other Omega 3 fatty acids has been associated with decreasing levels of blood cholesterol, preventing cardiovascular disease, and management of chronic disorders.

Essential fatty acids, such as alpha-linolenic acid, are important for healing the body and maintaining good health. Compounds created from ALA have been proven to prevent clotting and decrease the inflammatory process. This is especially beneficial to individuals suffering from arthritis.

Here is an analogy to better understand the importance of fatty acids. Most of us are aware that oil is a necessary "part" of any car's engine, without which it could not function. Just as a car needs the essential "part" of oil to protect the engine while running, so does our body need lipids to run efficiently. The family of lipids (or fats) and essential fatty acids such as alpha-linolenic acid are all interrelated, often functioning and acting as if they were one mechanism, one "part" of the body. And like oil is to a car's engine, Lipids and EFAs which include alpha-linolenic acid are essential biological substances of our body, without which we could not live or function.

 So on the whole we must thank our ancestors for bringing the habit of using only the  "GOOD OIL". That is the "NALLA ENNAI" which consists of pure vitamins. We have to take this oil once a day 1 teaspoon to overcome our arthritis!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Do You Have A Big Fat Tummy?


Welcome Young Ladies! If you are tired of trying many methods to reduce your tummy, then I will suggest you take "MUM'S  PRASAVA POWDER " To add to your cooking. It is a combination of many herbs and spices to reduce your tummy after you have given birth. This tightens your loose muscles. Also gives you the perfect strength and young beauty. Your menstrual flow will be normal thus giving you a healthy body. 
Furthermore, if you have constipation, you are recommended to take Malamilakki-which will loosen your stool to make your body and stomach small.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Fat! A Problem? No!



Well, Ladies and Gentlemen! 
Are You tired of spending a lot for reducing your's or your beloved lady's tummy? Well, it is not a problem if you take some steps at the appropriate time. Do you like to know when and how? 
O.K. Here are the steps you must take. When a mother is pregnant you must give her nutritious food and after delivery, you must give her "Mum's Prasava Set" which includes herbal preparations to make her stomach shrink. It drives away the unnecessary fat and flabbiness from her stomach. The mark from the stomach will vanish and her facial glamer will come back. 

For men, they must eat soup or curry with the wife when she takes the herbal mixtures; even men need some herbal rejuvenation after undergoing the stress of a family man.

Both husband and wife must be treated in such a way by the elders so they don't lose their strength and vitality. 
There is a chance for ladies for the stomach to loosen as in the picture. Be careful!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Cver Weight?


Hello! Do you really want to see your slimmed body? Well, no money!


Take some deep breathing. Do a bit of shaking legs and hands here and there.
Lie down and do some body-rolling exercises.
Live on with only fruit juices-no carbohydrates for one week.
Daily take a hot bath.
weekly once do a  full body massage.
Take Tone Up daily.
See within one week how much you reduce.
Then we will continue with new methods.

Skipping breakfast will not help you lose weight. You could miss out on essential nutrients and you may end up snacking more throughout the day because you feel hungry.
Eating at regular times during the day helps burn calories at a faster rate. It also reduces the temptation to snack on foods high in fat and sugar.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Flabby Tummy After Delivery?

Flabby Tummy Because Of Pregnancy?
You really Want to Slim Down. Yes?
Well Here Is The Solution!
Did your last pregnancy leave your tummy hanging down?

Don't Forget! You Must Take The Scheduled "Mum's PrasavaSet "Medicines After Delivery!
Which Slims Your Body Features!
 Well.! Then depend on herbs and fruits. Cut down your carbohydrates foods.
When you feel like taking a hot drink buy some hot water and add the herbal powders you are keeping with you. So that means you must select your herbal powders in your pockets beforehand.  This will quench your thirst suppress your hunger which you get unnecessarily and will give extra energy to your body. Toxins will be cleared by taking selective herbal drinks.
If you have given birth and because of that you have a flabby stomach means you must eat some herbal leyhiams to reduce your womb. Use the 'Mum's Prasava Powder "whenever you can!
Always remember that delivery time is the perfect time to mold your body to a proper size! The moment you deliver you must take one set of "Delivery set " which is prepared by experienced physicians.
Do you have excess around your tummy? Then take a bit of exercise as well as take some muscle tightening herbal decoctions.
Agasthiar Siddha Vaidya Nilayam

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Interested In Slimmimg?!


Well, Slimming your body is not a big deal!
First of all, you must know how must more you are weighing. Secondly  Are you sure you want to reduce your size? You must have a deep concern about it; then only you can stay away from junk food. Your mind controls your body. So if your mind says no to food that you like most and eats most, you will automatically think twice before you eat.

Again comes your health problems. Is your body gets tired if you don't eat? Then it might be of your hypo or hyperthyroid.

This herbal combination will give you an energetic feeling; This will play an important part in reducing your hormone imbalance. Body fat will be reduced. 
 First I advise you to check your blood for thyroid symptoms. Then is your motion o.k?  What about your monthly concern?
Well if everything is perfect then get a physician's advice and you can slim down your body as per your expectation. There are many herbal preparations that don't harm your body.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Fat is not a problem if you take some needy steps

    Fat is not a problem if you take some needy steps!

    Hello Young Girls And Boys!   Today I am going to give you some solutions to reduce your sizes.  Don't Think I am going to advise you on exercises. No! Not only exercises but mainly your lifestyle which counts. 


    f you eat 3 times a day you are a sick man.  Rogi
                          If you eat 2 times a day you are a normal man. Bogi
                          If you eat 1 time a day you are a healthy man. Yogi 

     So in order to maintain your body first and foremost, you must cut off the supper. At night even 12-00 night, I have been seeing youngsters eating Bergers! It is a heavy food that you should not take. After all, you are going to lay your body to rest. Then why take heavy food? 
    If you are a gastric patient then you may take lesser food  4 or 5 times, but that food should not contain carbohydrates. You may take fruit juices or fruit such as watermelon which controls your gastric.  For one whole meal, obese people may drink a herbal 
    mixture" Agasthiar Tone Up" which contains all the fat-killing substances. This not only reduces your cholesterol but also gives an energetic feeling. 

     அகஸ்தியர் டோன் அப்

     இது ஓர் அற்புதமான மருந்து.
     இதன் நன்மைகள் பல உள்ளன .
     உடலில் உள்ள கொழுப்பை அகற்றக்கூடியது. ஈரலில் உள்ளச் சுரப்பிகளை  நல்ல முறையில் இயங்க வைப்பது. இது 13 வகை மூலிகைகளால் ஆனது.

    இரத்தக்கொதிப்பைக் குறைத்து உடலை நல்ல நிலையில் இயங்க வைப்பது.

    இதனால் இனிப்பு நீர் குறையும். இது இரத்தத்திலுள்ள இனிப்பைக் குறைத்து உடலுக்கு ஓர் உற்சாகத்தைக் கொடுக்க வல்லது. நீங்கள் வேலைப்பளுவினால் சோர்வடைந்தால் உடனே தேட வேண்டியது
              அகஸ்தியர் டோன் அப்

     கை கால்களிலுலுள்ள வீக்கம் வடியும். உடலும் நீர் வற்றி மெலியும். தடியான ஆண் பெண் இருபாலரும் தே போல் அருந்தலாம்..காற்று என்ற வாய்வு தொல்லைகள் சூரியனைக் கண்ட பனிபோல் மறையும்.
    நிம்மதியான தூக்கத்தைக் கொடுத்து உங்களின் டென்ஷனை அகற்ற வல்லது.

    இதனை 1 முதல் 1 ½ தே கரண்டி அளவு போட்டு 1 முதல் 1 ½ கிளாஸ் தண்ணீர் ஊற்றி 1 முதல் 3 நிமிடங்கள் வேகவைத்து பின்பு வடிகட்டி குடிக்கவும்.
    டோக்ஸின்ஸ் எனும் நச்சுப்பொருட்களை நீக்கி உடலை ஆரோக்கியமாக வைக்கவல்லது.
      ஒரு குடும்பத்திற்கு ஒன்று நிச்சயம் வேண்டும்.! உங்கள் தாய் தந்தையர் நலமாக வாழ வாங்குவீர் டோன் அப்பை

    Agasthiar Tone Up 

    This Herbal combination churns your fat.

    This herbal decoction consists of 13 types of unique herbs which can eradicate your bowel problems and vaaivu“as we call wind problems. Gives energy to your tired muscles.

     Not only that, it regularizes your blood pressure; lowers your sugar level and reduces your cholesterol. It plays a main part in the liver to activate the liver enzymes properly thus it helps to slim down your body.

     Some people will be suffering from lack of sleep due to innumerable problems; This relieves tension by giving you proper sleep.

    Toxins are removed by drinking this herbal decoction.
    Take 1 to 1 ½ glasses of water and put 1 to 1 ½ teaspoon full of a powder mixture of “Tone Up” and let it boil for 1 to 3 minutes.
    Each and every family will be safe from many sicknesses if Agasthiar Tone Up is kept with you.